TheBLVD offers members several ways for members to fund their projects and sell their work
Harness Your Buying Power
Harness Your Buying Power
Processing costs are covered as a benefit of membership, making sure every member receives every dime you send their way. Non - members can join TheBLVD as an advocate and support member efforts without taking advantage of member resources. Keep scrolling to see how you can get involved.
Processing costs are covered as a benefit of membership, making sure every member receives every dime you send their way. Non - members can join TheBLVD as an advocate and support member efforts without taking advantage of member resources. Keep scrolling to see how you can get involved.
The Directory
The Directory
A searchable directory, making finding your favorite creatives - and making new ones - quick and easy
A searchable directory, making finding your favorite creatives - and making new ones - quick and easy
Direct Purchases from specific members
The Auction House
The Auction House
Pay competitive prices and help raise the value of an artist's work instantly
Pay competitive prices and help raise the value of an artist's work instantly
Best For:
Finding and selling individual works
The Giving Circle
The Giving Circle
Support the membership by helping to fund individual projects and fundraising campaigns.
Support the membership by helping to fund individual projects and fundraising campaigns.
Best For:
Funding Individual Projects
The Marketplace
The Marketplace
Find and sell event tickets and take advantage of member-supported services.
Find and sell event tickets and take advantage of member-supported services.
Event Tickets
Services (headshots, private lessons, etc)
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."
Booker T Washington
Booker T Washington